Friday 23 August 2013

Chap 20

Khushi was following Dhruv to the chamber/Room she will be staying in.Dhruv pointed his wand to the door and it opened giving a view into the Dark room.

Stepping in khushi looked around.The Walls were black and white with patterns of fire on them.The Bed was black so was the carpet.There was a vase with dried flowers in them.The Room spoke nothing of happiness.

Dhruv was about to hold her hand to walk her in but She pulled it away throwing an disgusted Look at him.

Khushi walked to the window and Pulled away the huge curtains hoping to let some more light in.She Put the hairs disturbing her on the back of her ear and looked outside the window.Looking at theView her face Changed into a frown,All she could see was Fire and Darkness.Very unlike the surroundings she was used to.

She was lost thinking about the view when she felt a hand on her shoulder making her Turn and take some steps back

"Stay Away from me Dhruv"

Khushi looked on as his face went red

"WHY,You never stop him than why me huh!!!!"He pulled her to him

"You dont belong to him khushi,He doesn't deserve you.That filthy Human-"

He Stop-ed as he felt a strong pain on his cheek.Only Angels could Hurt other angels.No Human could,At least not physically.

"No Dhruv you're wrong,He does....I Only Belong to him...Only he has the rights on me"

Dhruv Laughed Evilly "We will see about that Khushi,Remember my words....One day I Will
have you and you will be beside me as my Princess...My Dark Princess''

"That will Never Happen Dhruv" Khushi shouted as He Started walking away "NEVER!!"

He walked away giving a Last lusty Smile to her


"I Think its the time you Know or it will be too late"

Sheena Took out her wand and smiled before Pointing it at him and next thing you know,He Lay on the ground unconscious.

Arnav felt as if his Head would explode ,He Pressed his with his palm to sooth the pain and Looked around He saw himself in a Very weird kind yet beautiful kind of bedroom

It was White and Pink with curtains Hanging around.The walls of the rooms were Sparkling like Stars.There was a pleasant flowery scent in the air and then in the middle of it he saw....HER!!! HIS KHUSHI!!

She was crying,He tried to reach out to her but his hand just passed through her.He was shocked "It is Past Arnav,You cannot touch her" He heard sheena's Voice Which echo-d in the room.

He saw as she wiped her face but tears fell down her rosy cheeks again.He then noticed that
she looked quite younger..Em...Very Younger to be specific.

She was holding a photo talking to it

"I Cant *Sob* Believe *Sob* You*Sob* F-Forgot Me Arnav,How *hick up* Could you do *Sob*
That to me *Sob* Your Angel....Your Khushi"

A Tear fell down his face and Tried to touch her again,To reach out to her.He wanted to hold her in his Arms and say that He didn't forget but every thing faded and All the memories came back to his Mind Like a Flash of Light.The Moments he spent with her,Their Laughs,Their Hugs,Her Leaving.

And with it came a shooting pain,It felt like someone was continuously Banging his head against
a wall,Like he would die out of this pain that was attacking his brain.

His Eyes Opened showing the deep Brown orbs,Filled with pain,Happiness and Love as he remembered all their Loving moments Their First meeting,Her and him playing together,Her coming back to his life,Her hugging him. ,Her tender words and soft touches.Her Promise not to leave him And a soft whisper Left his lips calling out for her


Please no tomatoes or chapels :P Yeah I Know I Know I Am Dragging the story agghh 
why on earth am I Doing that??I Hate it :P Even Anaya Hates it,She is so angry with me for making her a cry baby and not including her in these chapters But kya karoon All these studies are driving me crazy *Sigh* 
Anyways this Chapter was kindda filler you know,It was important for him to know she is his angel officially...Right? :P How did you think this chapter turned out?I Am A lot disappointed in myself as I Think this chapter didn't turn out the way I Wanted.
Thank you everyone who still comments, Take care and keep smiling everyone.
Love Marrie

Thursday 1 August 2013

Chap 19

Anaya Ran into her brothers Arms Weeping silently as he caressed her back tell her everything will be
alright.But he knew it wont be,At Least not in his life without His Khushi....


Here with khushi things were going all wrong,Dhruv was taking her to meet their leader,the person she never
wanted to see.The one who caused her Pain..Her Father .

Did he remember her?What if he did..Then what?

Walking inside she looked around,Thousands of Dark Angels were kneeling down on their knees...And then on the On the Far end there was a throne on which he was sitting.Just one look at him and she could feel chills running down her spine.

Oh He looked the same..Just like she remembered.

Those brown eyes which once held love and warmth for her.

She could feel her insides melting looking at the father that she once loved...Maybe somewhere deep inside,Still did.But She knew she had to be brave or at least act like she isn't affected seeing him in front of her.She couldn't be weak.Taking a deep breath she put on a Strong face.


The loud voices filled the air.And Slowly he come towards her,His And then he came standing just a feet away from her.His Every step making her resolution stronger.

"You're Just a little Girl" He said in an amused smile, looked at her from top to bottom,His eye brows raised.
"How can you possess such Power?"

Khushi pulling up strength,looked at him with fire in her eyes "How can someone like you be an Angel?" Sarcasm clearly visible in her tone.

He Roared with Anger "You!!!Do you know who I am??" He Pointed his wand at her as if threatening.

Khushi Smirked rolling her eyes "Yes....A Terrible Father" Acting rude was easy yet she felt her insides hurting as she said that to her own father.

"And How do you know that?"

Khushi Raised her eyebrow "You Really dont remember do you?"

She pulled her arm from Dhruv's grip and started circling around Atul.

"I Am the Girl who Used to hug you whenever you came back from work,Who used to ask you for bedtime stories.I Am the girl who You used to shower with kisses whenever she did something right.I Am the girl who loved you more than anything in the world,I am the girl who you once loved"

Then again standing in front of him,She looked into his eyes."I Am the Little Girl you killed"

He looked at her shocked and tried to touch her face "Y-You're My D Daughter?"

Khushi Stepped back as if no wanting to be touched by him "No Mister Atul Gupta,You don't have a
Daughter...You Killed her!!"

Atul Turned Around and Shouted "Dhruv take her out of here!!!!"

"Why?Daddy Are you scared of this Little girl?"She said with sarcasm.

"OUT!!!" Atul Yelled again, If Listened Very carefully you could hear pain in his voice.

Dhruv took khushi's hand and disappeared from there.


Days Passed and the Pain increased for Arnav,Day by Day he was getting restless.

His Need to see Khushi was growing day by day.He would Keep thinking about her,Their Moments together.He had the fear of not ever getting to see her ever again.

He Spent Almost all his time with Anaya comforting her again and again that everything will be alright.And at night he would sit on the terrace looking at the stars and remembering their Fun moments together.

Life was nothing close to alright.


Tonight was nothing different,He Sat On the terrace closing his eyes as her smiling face came in front of his
closed eyes,Her Hugs,Her Jokes.

 Thats the moment he heard a chirpy voice "Hey Arnav" He Opened his eyes and  saw...Sheena,His Khushi's Friend

"What are you looking at?You Idiot I Just wanna smack you but I cant do that cuz then khushi will get angry at me....And if she gets angry then...Wait its not your business...Your are a Big idiot you know that?.Come on dude you still haven't figured out who khushi is.I mean woah how dumb can you be?"

"Stop it will you?What are you doing here?" Arnav rolled his eyes Putting his hands in his pockets

Sheena Smiled making her look even more adorable

"I Am here to play Cupid,I Mean to help you.I Think its the time you Figure it out or it will be too late"

For those who wanna see Sheena My Cute Cupid Here she is



Yay I updated soon don't you think :D well sooner than my usual timings :P

Look how mean of me,I made khushi go away :(  But its okay she will be back soon *Spoiler* :P

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Keep smiling 

Marrie x